Ministry Overview
A.W.A.N.A Clubs is a children’s program that is designed to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, helping them grow in their relationship with Him, and training them to serve Him. Awana Clubs begins each September and runs through May on Tuesday Nights from 6:30-8:30 pm.
Awana Clubs
Our AWANA club is divided into three different groups: Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T. After a clubber moves on from T and T, they are allowed to join the TREK Program.
Cubbies (PK3-PK4)
Cubbies is designed for boys and girls during the two years before they start Kindergarten. This is normally ages 3 & 4. They must be 3 by September 30th and potty trained. The Cubbies memorize Bible verses and have some neat hands-on projects to do with mom or dad. During the evening, Cubbies learning about our great God through a Bible story lesson, playing games, eating a special snack, and enjoying a puppet show. Find out more about Cubbies here
Sparks (K5 -2nd Grade)
Sparks is a club for boys and girls who are in K-5, 1st Grade, or 2nd Grade. The Sparks are divided into those three different age brackets. During the evening, the Sparks have a Bible lesson, Handbook memory and recitation, and Game Time. The Sparks also have special sections in their books in which they get to do projects with mom or dad. Find out more about Sparks here
T&T (3rd - 6th Grade)
T&T stands for Truth and Training. T&T encompasses two clubs: (Girls 3rd - 6th grade, Boys 3rd - 6th). The T&T book includes sections of Bible memory, Bible study, special activities, and creative humor. Each evening, the T&T clubs have a Bible lesson, handbook time which includes Bible memory verses, and game time. Find out more info about T&T here
To make your club year more successful, please read the information pertaining to your child's club from their club's hyperlink and the information from the general information hyperlink. Thank you.
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